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World osteopathy day 22nd June

Did you know that 22nd June marks World Osteopathy Day?

On 22nd June, osteopaths from around the country will be raising awareness of how they can support the health of people in their local communities.

Over 30,000 people every day visit an osteopath to get help for a variety of conditions, including back pain, postural problems caused by driving or work strain, the pain of arthritis and sports related injuries.

Osteopaths are highly competent healthcare professionals, recognised by the NHS as fully qualified to diagnose and treat independently. They use a combination of movement, stretching, targeted deep tissue massage and manipulation of a person’s muscles and joints to improve function, relieve pain and aid recovery. They may also provide advice on posture and exercise to support healing, promote health and prevent symptoms from recurring.

Osteopaths also work closely with other health care professionals, providing onward referral if required. As you don’t need a referral from your doctor to see an osteopath, you will typically be able to see an osteopath quickly, without the long waiting times that often occur with other treatment options.

If you would like to find out more about osteopathy, contact us or alternatively visit the website of the Institute of Osteopathy here.

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